Sexuality, Class and Carnival in Laughter Out of Place Chapters 6 & 7

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Sexuality, Class and Carnival in Laughter Out of Place Chapters 6 & 7 von Mind Map: Sexuality, Class and Carnival in Laughter Out of Place Chapters 6 & 7

1. society is permissive & provocative

1.1. evolved out of slave trade

1.2. men's attitudes about women did too

1.3. women want to please men to attain a good provider

2. Afro-Brazilian Women

2.1. sex part of tool kit

2.1.1. women invert status w/ jokes & word play

2.1.2. subvert status quo w/ word play

2.2. sex intertwined w/ economics

2.2.1. men are expected to provide income

2.2.2. women seek men who can assist or release them

2.3. rape and violence w/o recourse

2.3.1. vigilance around step fathers

2.4. men expected to be unfaithful

2.4.1. changing partners normal

2.5. perpetuate gender roles

2.5.1. maintain virginity in daughters

2.5.2. assist boys with learning sex & machismo

3. Upper Class Women

3.1. enjoy flirtatious attention

3.2. believe men need sex, it drives them

3.3. follow cultural norms

3.4. may tolerate infidelity

4. Cultural norms

4.1. men need sex or go insane

4.1.1. identified as entitlement

4.2. body language and liberation

4.3. elaborate fliration

4.4. sex-positive

4.5. Carnivalesque, effusive sexuality acceptable

4.6. women expect male appreciation

4.7. bawdy sexual humor

5. Partial Truths & Sex Negative

5.1. double standard on fidelity

5.2. sexual entitlement

5.3. belief that all women want sexual attention

5.4. rape or entitled sex rampant

5.5. child abuse

5.6. high teen birth rate

5.6.1. lack of birth control

6. Men

6.1. protectors

6.1.1. step fathers not to be trusted

6.2. providers

6.3. expected masculinity

6.3.1. homosexuals one who eats, homens one who is eaten, bichas

6.4. good and frequent sex is important

6.5. are aware that they are expected to support females financially