Coronavirus lockdown: Living with my parents under new house rules.

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Coronavirus lockdown: Living with my parents under new house rules. by Mind Map: Coronavirus lockdown: Living with my parents under new house rules.

1. She takes little walks in her neighborhood while respecting the distances

2. She is worried because she does not know when she can go out with her boyfriend.

3. She and her sister make excursions with the car to look at landscapes through the window.

4. She started to spend more time with her sister.

5. After dinner they do something together.

6. She says: "Sometimes it's hard to not feel so isolated."

7. She start to feel scary because of all the people how died because of the coronavirus.

8. She watches movies with her neighbors respecting safety distances.

9. A teacher at her mom's school died suddenly and over 100 people showed up in cars to drive by her house to show their love and support.

10. Her family start to give each other space during the day, to just have their own time to work or to spend time alone.

11. Her perception of family has definitely changed since all this started.

12. She dinner with all their family.

13. When she comes home from work the first thing they do is do the laundry and take a shower.

14. She takes classes online.