Incentive Marketing Secrets

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Incentive Marketing Secrets par Mind Map: Incentive Marketing Secrets

1. 1. Who uses promotions and why? 2. Differentiation – setting yourself apart from the crowd 3. Targeting your promotional offer 4. Use certificates to reduce your costs 5. Creative… the 5 top mistakes ad and web designers make 6. Effective use of perceived value 7. Closing the deal with promotions 8. Keeping your customers using promotions 9. Creating a referral network for low cost customer acquisition and sales 10. Win-backs 11. Outsourcing the whole damn thing

2. Why we work with Jeff

2.1. Experience

2.1.1. SECRETS

2.2. Bulk/ Value / Better Pricing

2.3. Minimal Buying Requirements

2.4. Risk

2.4.1. Fraud I never got it I got it and it doesn't work

2.4.2. Inventory

2.5. Virtual Inventory

2.6. Fulfillment

2.7. Handles Customer Service

2.7.1. warranties

2.7.2. Not a Hard Ass

2.8. Data is Protected

3. Offers

3.1. Research

3.1.1. Amazon

3.1.2. Best Buy

3.1.3. Ebay

3.2. Customers

3.2.1. Success Factors Right Time Right Premium Right Customer

3.2.2. Phsycographic

3.2.3. Demographic Older market Travel Example Can't offer anything 'Too Good to be True'

3.3. Products

3.3.1. Ipods

3.3.2. Portable DVD

3.3.3. Gym memberships

3.3.4. GPS

3.3.5. Heart Rate Monitors

3.3.6. Diamond Earrings

3.4. Markets/ Industry

3.4.1. Gift Cards

3.4.2. Wireless/Cellular

3.4.3. Mattress Sales

3.4.4. Banking

4. Competitors

4.1. Service Bureaus

4.1.1. You document business rules

4.1.2. Handle Fulfillment

4.1.3. Have minimums

5. Follow up checklist

5.1. Email screenshot

5.2. Certificate samples

5.3. Case studies

6. How it works

6.1. Process Flow

6.1.1. Personalized Email

6.1.2. Serialized Certificate

6.2. Secret Sauce/ Formula

6.2.1. Breakage Was submitted incorrectly

6.2.2. Slippage Did send it in

7. Case Studies

7.1. YMCA

7.2. Cricket

7.3. Compass Bank

7.4. infonic

7.5. Little Guys

7.5.1. Truck Stop

7.5.2. Tuxedo Rental

8. Strategies

8.1. Front End Conversion / Aquisition

8.2. Upsell

8.3. Stick Strategy / Loyalty Programs

8.4. Refer-A-Friend

8.5. "Win Back"

8.6. Exit Pop Up

8.7. Customer Service / Retention

9. Membership

9.1. Access to Private Site

9.2. Updated / Current Price and Product lists

10. 2 Step Redemption

11. Implementation

11.1. powered by mtel store

12. Sweetspot

12.1. Face Value: $50

12.2. Hard cost: $25

13. Product

13.1. Pre-paid 1 Year Membership