Challenges of implementing self-managed team

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Challenges of implementing self-managed team by Mind Map: Challenges of implementing self-managed team

1. Sharing resources of the multiple self-managed within company

2. Decentralising the decision making process

2.1. Difficult to align decisions on the operational level to team level

2.2. Old habits of team leaders/managers could make them take many decisions and not letting the team take decision by themselves

3. Delegating the managerial authority and responsibility

3.1. Team members are not eager to take responsibility for the decisions

3.2. Unwillingness to take the responsibility

4. Individual commitment to a common goal of team

4.1. Unclear task completion criteria

4.2. Meetings are not good environments for discussion and obtaining team commitment

5. Failure to learn causes self-managed teams

6. Unnecessary amounts of organisation control level

6.1. fdfd

7. Having each member in the team as specialist on one task