We are not afraid to die....

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We are not afraid to die.... by Mind Map: We are not afraid to die....

1. 2) On July 1976

1.1. They sailed for journey to duplicate the round the world voyage made 200 years earlier by captain James Cook in their professionally ship - Wave Walker

1.2. They spent 16 years of all their leisure time honking their seafaring skills in British waters.

2. 4) First sign of implementing disaster

2.1. They faced encountered strong wind of second day of Capetown and was continued for few weeks

2.2. Waves rised to 15m long as high as mast

3. 6) Crew man shows off the unparalleled strength

3.1. They started pumping out water

3.2. They settled to make necessary repairs to save the boat from sinking

3.3. They managed to stretch canvas and secure water proof hatch cover across gaping holes

4. 8) Only hope for the captain

4.1. To reach the island which was only possible if the wind will slow down

4.2. To reach Amsterdam, which is few 100km to the east

5. 10) Crucial days (Jan 4-5)

5.1. After 36 hours of continuous pumping there was only few water left

5.2. They hoisted the storm jib and headed in direction of two island

5.3. Black clouds built at 4.00pm and sea was getting its wave higher

6. 11) Safe at last

6.1. They expected to see the island at 5pm but they wake up at 6pm and thought that they missed the island

6.2. But they were wrong and they touched the shore at Ile Amsterdam

7. Captain kept courage and found the wheel and lined up the stern for next wave

8. Golden Cook - narrator and 37 years old businessmen

9. On Jan 6 they saw "wavewalker" ride out storm and wind eased

10. 1) Introduction

10.1. Marry - Gordon cook's wife

10.2. Jonathan - 6 years old son

10.3. Suzanne - 7 years old daughter

11. 3) First leg of journey

11.1. They pleasantly sailed down from west coast of Africa to cape town

11.2. Then further they sailed to Southern Indian Ocean

12. 5) Disaster and its aftermath

12.1. 6 pm : tremendous explosion shock the deck and powerful flow of water broke over the ship

12.2. Jonathan said, " we are not afraid to die if we all are together

12.3. Wavewalker was getting sunk and captain was badly injured

13. 7) Other problems arose

13.1. Electric pump short circuit

13.2. Water level rose threatening

13.3. Daughter Suzanne was badly injured

14. 9) Showing off the exemplary courage

14.1. Jonathan's courage and Sue's bravery instead of her bumped head inspired the captain to fight the sea and protect his family