Connecting to Nature through SEL in VR

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Connecting to Nature through SEL in VR by Mind Map: Connecting to Nature through SEL in VR

1. Wrap up: Students will go on the colored poll

2. Fountain

2.1. Channeling your emotions and having calm-down strategies ready to choose from

2.2. Students will walk over to the Fountain and gather around in a circle formation:

2.3. What do you see in front of you?

2.4. Do you notice how the water builds up and bubbles over the edges?

2.5. How can you relate this experience to your emotions?

2.6. When you start to feel frustrated or angry and feel yourself “bubbling over” what are some things you do to calm yourself down?

2.7. Students will go around and share strategies they use

2.8. For Example: When I feel upset I practice breathing techniques to calm my body. I also find something to distract myself: going on a walk or listening to happy music. Then when I have a chance to calm down and recollect myself I will talk out how I am feeling.

3. Greenhouse Garden

3.1. Self-Care is extremely important. What are some ways that they take care of themselves? Or what do they do to relax?

3.2. Students will take a seat along the path of the greenhouse among the flowers.

3.3. Notice the flowers among you. Have you ever received flowers before? Flowers make me feel appreciated and are a reminder to be grateful. Flowers do not last very long so It is important to appreciate their beauty while they are in full bloom.

3.4. When I am feeling down or upset, buying flowers is a quick way to perk up my mood and bring a little color and happiness into my house.

3.5. What are some things that you do that you enjoy?

3.6. Are there specific activities you put as a priority in your life?

3.7. What do you do to take care of yourself?

3.8. For example: Working out is a great way for me to let go of any stress and clear my head. Going for a walk helps ground me and also introduces me to a little Vitamin D. I also like to take some time to cook special meals for myself. It makes me feel good when I try something new but it also makes me feel powerful that I did it all myself!

4. Before meeting: Students will asynchronously determine how to be a good learner and how to be a good listener in a virtual setting. During meeting: Students will meet in one central location and discuss the objectives of the lesson. Objective: Students will be given clues to find locations that have prompts. Students will complete the prompt with discussions in order to move to the next location.

5. Self Assessment:Students will complete a google form • What is one new thing you learned today? • What is something you would like to try yourself? • If you were the teacher, what area of the island would you want to visit? • Is there anything that you did not get to share that you would like to add?

6. Mountain

6.1. Finding confidence within yourself to climb a mountain. Identifying what makes you feel confident and how you can build confidence within yourself and others.

6.2. Student will begin at the bottom of the mountain and will be given a prompt:

6.3. Teacher will guide the students through the prompts.

6.4. When trying to overcome an obstacle that seems challenging, how do you feel? Why? What helps you get through this challenging time? How can you support a friend if they are feeling defeated?

6.5. How can you push yourself to try new things/overcome fears?

6.6. What does it mean to have confidence?

6.7. The teacher will help guide discussion if the students are having difficulty defining what confidence means. The teacher will then provide a definition of confidence.

6.8. How do you think confidence relates to happiness?

6.9. Students will complete the prompt discussion and then climb to the top of the mountain to find their next prompt discussion.

7. Trees

7.1. Being able to “ground” yourself as trees do. Having strategies ready in order to ground oneself. When we are grounded, then we can grow!

7.2. Students will gather in a circle and read the following prompts:

7.3. What connects a tree to the ground?

7.4. How do trees survive?

7.5. What does it mean to be “grounded”? Teacher will define vocabulary if needed.

7.6. What does “being grounded” mean to you? When have you felt grounded? Teacher will provide an example. Each student will share a response.

7.7. When you do not feel grounded, what are some things you do to help you feel more grounded?

7.8. How are we like trees? What can we learn from them?

7.9. Teacher will provide an example. Each student will share a response.

7.10. Students will complete the prompt discussion, and be led to the fountain to find their next discussion prompt.