The Learn Your Prospex Blog
por Teach J!M

1. Overview
1.1. Marketing
1.1.1. Attraction
1.1.2. Internet
1.1.3. Network
1.1.4. Information
1.2. Communications
1.3. Social Networking
1.4. System Tools
1.4.1. Leads
1.4.2. Referrals
1.4.3. Blogs
1.4.4. Articles
1.4.5. MLM Trainings Teleseminars eBooks Articles
1.4.6. Internet Marketing Training
2. Process
2.1. Respond
2.2. Monitor
2.3. Adjust
2.4. Follow up
3. Perfect
3.1. By the Numbers
3.2. Adjust
3.3. Repeat
3.4. Analyze
3.5. Performance Log
3.6. Revisit Plan
3.7. Strategic Direction
4. Plan
4.1. Learning
4.1.1. Sequence
4.1.2. Scope / Focus
4.1.3. Cycle
4.2. Marketing
4.2.1. People
4.2.2. Purpose
4.2.3. Place
4.2.4. Pain
4.2.5. Promise
4.3. Content
4.3.1. Development
4.3.2. Delivery
4.4. Promoting
4.4.1. Proximity
4.4.2. Intensity
4.4.3. Frequency
4.5. Processing
4.5.1. INvitations
4.5.2. INclusions
4.5.3. INteractions
5. Prepare
5.1. System
5.1.1. Learn
5.1.2. Do
5.1.3. Done
5.1.4. Next...
5.2. Content
5.2.1. Learn
5.2.2. Do
5.2.3. Done
5.2.4. Next...
5.3. Marketing
5.3.1. Learn
5.3.2. Do
5.3.3. Done
5.3.4. Next...