Customer Services
by Izzy Anchoris
1. Music
1.1. Providing appropriate music for the customer to feel more calm
1.2. Everyone likes music
1.3. Gives off a fun atmosphere depending on the music
2. Positive Communication
2.1. Understanding what the customer wants
2.2. Being respectful
2.3. Having a good first impression
2.4. Treating the customer how you would want to be treated
3. Greetings
3.1. A good way to start the communication
3.2. Make the customer feel comfortable with you
3.3. A way to show that you are pleased to see your customer or your client.
4. Magazines
4.1. A lot of people wants to read
4.2. A way to prevent boredome
5. By Abigail & Isabella
6. Ideas:
6.1. Music
6.1.1. Everyone listens to music
6.2. Positive communication
6.2.1. RESPECT
6.3. Greetings
6.3.1. Make the customer feel comfortable
6.4. Magazines
6.4.1. Prevents boredom