Customer Services

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Customer Services by Mind Map: Customer Services

1. Music

1.1. Providing appropriate music for the customer to feel more calm

1.2. Everyone likes music

1.3. Gives off a fun atmosphere depending on the music

2. Positive Communication

2.1. Understanding what the customer wants

2.2. Being respectful

2.3. Having a good first impression

2.4. Treating the customer how you would want to be treated

3. Greetings

3.1. A good way to start the communication

3.2. Make the customer feel comfortable with you

3.3. A way to show that you are pleased to see your customer or your client.

4. Magazines

4.1. A lot of people wants to read

4.2. A way to prevent boredome

5. By Abigail & Isabella

6. Ideas:

6.1. Music

6.1.1. Everyone listens to music

6.2. Positive communication

6.2.1. RESPECT

6.3. Greetings

6.3.1. Make the customer feel comfortable

6.4. Magazines

6.4.1. Prevents boredom

7. Problems

7.1. If there's no greeting the customer might feel uncomfortable towards you

7.2. If there's no communication between you and the customer it might cause them to feel bored.

7.3. No magazines no fun.

7.4. Without music we will hear a lot of awkward silences.