Application Software

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Application Software par Mind Map: Application Software

1. Graphics and Multimedia Software

1.1. Computer-aided design (CAD) software

1.2. Desktop publishing software

1.3. Paint/Image editing software

1.4. Personal photo editing software

1.5. Clip art/image gallery

1.6. Video and audio editing software

1.7. Home design/landscaping software

2. Software for Home, Personal, and Educational Use

2.1. Personal finance software

2.2. Legal software

2.3. Tax preparation software

2.4. Personal DTP software

2.5. Personal paint/image editing software

2.6. Personal photo editing software

3. Business software

3.1. application software that assists people while performing business activities

3.1.1. Word Processing

3.1.2. Spreadsheet

3.1.3. Spreadsheet

3.1.4. Presentation

3.1.5. Note taking

3.1.6. Personal information manager

3.1.7. Business software for phones

3.1.8. Business software suites

3.1.9. Project management

3.1.10. Accounting

3.1.11. Document management

3.1.12. Enterprise computing software

4. Home design/landscaping software

4.1. Travel and mapping software

4.2. Reference software

4.3. Educational software

4.4. Entertainment software

5. To make business activities more efficient To assist with graphics and multimedia projects To support home, personal, and educational tasks To facilitate communications

6. Available in a variety of forms

6.1. Packaged software

6.2. Custom software

6.3. Web application

6.4. Open source software

6.5. Open source software

6.6. Open source software

6.7. Open source software