CMPT-363-133 Concepts, Techniques, and Principles Inventory

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CMPT-363-133 Concepts, Techniques, and Principles Inventory 저자: Mind Map: CMPT-363-133 Concepts, Techniques, and Principles Inventory

1. Prototyping

2. Prototype fidelity

3. Progressive disclosure

4. Proto-persona

5. Problem space

6. Personas

7. Lean UX

8. Interviews

9. Interaction design

9.1. Aesthetic integrity

9.2. Engagement (i.e. user control)

9.3. Forgiveness

9.4. Guidance, help

9.5. Idiom

9.6. Memory-load

9.7. Metaphor

9.8. Task-match

10. Hypothesis

11. Information architecture

12. Gestalt principles

13. Gulf of execution

14. Gulf of evaluation

15. Heuristic evaluation

15.1. Nielsen’s 10 Heuristics

15.2. ISO 9241 design principles as heuristics

16. Expert review

17. Fitt's Law

18. Field studies

19. Contextual inquiry

19.1. Context

19.2. Partnership

19.3. Interpretation

19.4. Focus

20. Conceptual model

21. Cognitive walkthrough

22. Agile UX

23. 5-Second test

24. Hawthorne effect

25. Context of use

26. Design pattern

27. Chunking

28. Color blindness

29. Emotional design

30. Design challenge statement

31. Design thinking

32. Comparative analysis

33. Wireframe

34. Wizard

35. Visual design

35.1. Alignment

35.2. Appeal

35.3. Consistency

35.4. Contrast

35.5. Hierachy

35.6. Proximity

35.7. Repetition

35.8. Whitespace

36. User-centered design (UCD)

37. User story

38. User research

38.1. Guerrilla user research

39. User profile

40. User flow

41. User interface design

42. User interface

43. User experience design

44. User experience (UX)

45. Usability testing

45.1. Formative usability test

45.2. Guerrilla usability test

45.3. Summative usability test

46. Usability

47. Touchscreen design

48. Think-aloud protocol

49. Task analysis

50. Storyboard

51. Qualitative research

52. Quantitative research

53. Sketching

54. Scenario

55. Scenario-based design

56. Multi-device design

57. Mode

58. Usability iceberg

59. Scaffolding

60. Mobile design

61. Remote usability test

62. Responsive Web Design

63. Seven stages of action