1. Personal Qualities
1.1. Positive attitude
1.1.1. I always try to look only on the bright side of the situation. It really helps these days.
1.2. Communication skills
1.2.1. Everyone says I'm an extravert. I can make friends or start a conversation in every kind of group of people.
1.2.2. when working in a group, I listen and try to make a peaceful conversation. I'm always cooperative and polite. When I'm wrong, I'll admit it.
1.2.3. Communication skills also help me in networking. Fortunately, I'm able to impress others with my speech, humor, and charisma.
1.3. Intellectual Curiosity
1.3.1. I'm willing to learn and grow as a peson. At school I'm active, and I ask a question whenever I do not get smth clear.
1.3.2. I participate in many olimpiads and projects regarding subjects, I'm fascinated by. It is my pleasure to challenge myself and master the subject.
1.3.3. I conduct research on topics which attract me.
1.4. Leadership
1.4.1. I've organized a winter ball in my school.
1.4.2. I'm the Minister of Media of my school. With my team, we accomplish different tasks related to media and journalism.
1.4.3. Once, at the best summer camp in Russia, I was a leader of the group. Our speciality was Media, so we had to always film various videos, write articles and posts for social media accouts, etc. As leader, I was rewarded with a badge of honor for great work, creativity, and my leader skills.
2. Achievements
2.1. Professional
2.1.1. Journalism/Media There was an Election of the President and the Ministers of the School. I was elected as a Minister of Media. That's why now I manage all the social media accouts of my school. I create content for it every week. I embody all the ideas I have there. We shoot videos about our school, humorous content, and videos with important messages like volunteering, help for the ones who need it, etc. Moreover, I have a personal channel, where i post everyday life of mine. However, sometimes I write short articles-reviews on various films. It's utterly captivating for me. Moreover, I have a personal channel, where i post everyday life of mine. However, sometimes I write short articles-reviews on various films. It's utterly captivating for me.
2.1.2. Acting/Theater I've been working ian a theater studio for 10 yeras now. There we stage plays, take part in competitions, win these competitions, travel aroud the country with our plays. This year, I've started Drama School based on the professional theater of my city. There was hard auditions, because there was 15 fifteen people for one position in the group. At the internatinal competition in Saint-Petersburg me amd my studio succeeded and got the first place, and then won a Grand Prix as the best presented musical.
2.1.3. Activity 3 Achievement 1 Achievement 2 Achievement 3
2.2. Academic
2.2.1. Formal Education Excellent student for 10 years straight (GPA - 4.0) Advanced study of Sosial Studies and English Language Winner of many national olympiads in English, S.S.
2.2.2. Courses, summer programs, etc. Achivement 1 Achievement 2 NEED TO FIND A COURSE Achievement 3
2.3. Social
2.3.1. Volonteering "Детям на здоровье" is a charity fund which helps the ones who need it. I helped to gather essentials for the kids with cancer. As I sing and perform, a lot of times I participated in charity concerts for kids with disabilities, for veterans, for the military. Achievement 3
2.3.2. Events & Activities Recently, I organized a speaking club for students from my school. I did a project on this topic, which I can attach. With my classmaates, we've organazied the first ever winter ball at our school. We did everything, starting from decorations and location and ending with performances, ball dances, and music playlists. Right now I'm participating in an internationaln English language course for preparing for the language exam.
2.3.3. Giving Achievement 1 Achievement 2 Achievement 3
3. Values
3.1. Recognition
3.1.1. It’s something that I always expect from society. Whenever I produce smth, I always need someone’s opinion about it. I need it to be recognised by someone so I can be sure in its quality and be proud of it.
3.2. Music
3.2.1. I’ve been in love with music since I remember myself. I adore it, I want to make it, I want more people to understand its greatness. I’ve been singing for 10 years now, I participate in musicals, I’ve done many concerts in my life and I loved every single one. I play piano.
3.3. Creativity
3.3.1. I deem that creativity is something that define us; everyone’s creative in their own way and it’s wonderful. It doesn't matter what I do, it’ll be unique and creative, in a way that no one else can repeat it. I always attempt to make the product of mine different and artistic
3.4. Quality
3.4.1. I’m a perfectionist, I can’t help editing a video or a project until it’s qualitative which basically means perfect for me. When I work on a project, I redo it as many times as possible to create the perfect picture, video, sound or speech.
3.5. Learning
3.5.1. I really believe that if you’re not expanding your knowledge, you’ll never succeed. I love learning something new, I learn new english vocabulary every day, I learn new melodies for music school every day, I learn new info for being excellent at school every day.
3.6. Growth
3.6.1. If I do something, it means I'm interested in it; it means I have the zeal to learn about it and overcome difficulties on the way to knowledge. I always want to develop and grow both culturally and socially.
3.7. Making a difference
3.7.1. It is my goal of life. When I do, actually, anything, I aim to make it MY own and never-has-done-before way. When I sing, perform, do a project, I put smth of my own into it and smth that can change the object of my influence.