50th Birthday Celebration

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50th Birthday Celebration por Mind Map: 50th Birthday Celebration

1. Decorations & Ambiance

1.1. Research and Select Decorator

1.2. Setup & Aesthetics

1.2.1. Choose Theme

2. Logistics & Operations

2.1. Create Event Timeline

2.2. Vendor Coordination

2.3. Stay for long distance relatives

2.4. One Backup Transport Vehicle

2.5. Received gift management and Transport to home

3. Health & Safety

3.1. First Aid

3.2. Safety Arrangement

3.3. Emergency Plan

4. Waste Management

4.1. Unused food poor distribution (NGO or by own)

4.2. Waste Disposal

4.3. Cleaning

5. Photo Session

5.1. Photography

5.2. Videography

6. Initial Planning & Budget

6.1. Define Visiont

6.2. Allocate total Budget

7. Venue Selection

7.1. Research & Shortlist Venue

7.2. Book Venue for specific date and time period

8. Guest Management

8.1. Finalise guest list

8.2. Send Invitations

8.3. Count and Track acceptance

8.3.1. Keep uo-to-date as per updates

9. Catering & Menu Planning

9.1. Research & select Caterer

9.2. Design Menu

9.2.1. Veg Continental Different type

9.2.2. Non-Veg Continental Different Type

10. Entertainment & Activities

10.1. Plan Entertainment

10.1.1. Adults

10.1.2. Kids

10.2. Organize Activities

10.2.1. Speech

10.2.2. Cultural activities

11. Token of Appreciation & Final Thank you Note

11.1. Return gifts to kids

11.2. Thank you to all Invitees

11.3. Gratitude to all coordinators, workers, organisers