Roman Myth: Romulus and Remus

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Roman Myth: Romulus and Remus por Mind Map: Roman Myth: Romulus and Remus

1. Service to state = religious service

1.1. Roman Ideal

1.1.1. Gravitis

1.1.2. Pietas

1.1.3. Frugalitas

1.2. Deified Emperors

2. Patriarchal

3. Common Archetype

3.1. Babies in a Basket

3.2. Brother vs. Brother

3.3. Divine Guidance in finding a city

3.4. Divine Conception (Divine Parent)

4. Multiple Versions

4.1. Political

4.2. Cultural Pride

4.3. Adopting and Adapting from other cultures

5. Myths grounded in history