1. Assess
1.1. A Foundation for Strategy (~5 slides)
1.1.1. What defines a good strategy?
1.1.2. Why - solve problem or address opportunity?
1.1.3. Who - who is the audience?
1.1.4. Where - where is it to be delivered?
1.1.5. When - when is it needed to be delivered?
1.1.6. How - how is it to be created?
1.2. The Learner Experience (~15 slides)
1.2.1. Usability
1.2.2. Informal (guerilla) usability testing
1.2.3. User experience (UX)
1.2.4. Learner experience (LX)
2. Build
2.1. Responsive Web Design (~20 slides)
2.1.1. Delivery Choices
2.1.2. Responsive Web design
2.1.3. Reponsive Web design workflow
2.1.4. Responsive sketching
2.1.5. Content Inventories with Prioritization
2.2. Responsive Frameworks (~15 slides)
2.2.1. HTML5
2.2.2. Responsive HTML frameworks
2.2.3. Using a responsive HTML framework with a LMS/CMS
3. Design
3.1. Situational Design (~10 slides)
3.1.1. Scenarios
3.1.2. User stories
3.1.3. Situational user stories
3.2. Multi-device Experiences (~15 slides)
3.2.1. Multi-device experience principles
3.2.2. Touch interaction design
4. Workshop Introduction
5. Fundamentals
5.1. Mobile + Learning (~ 20 slides)
5.1.1. Mobile design
5.1.2. Mobile First
5.1.3. Multi-device design
5.1.4. Experience First
5.1.5. Mobile learning
5.1.6. Five moments of learning need
5.1.7. Informal learning
5.1.8. Performance support
5.2. Agile Learning Design (~10 slides)
5.2.1. Agile development
5.2.2. Successive Approximation Model (SAM)