Case study: Can 'Death by PowerPoint' be averted by Concept Mapping?

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Case study: Can 'Death by PowerPoint' be averted by Concept Mapping? by Mind Map: Case study: Can 'Death by PowerPoint' be averted by   Concept Mapping?

1. Context

1.1. Diversity

1.2. T & L

2. Intervention

2.1. C-Maps for teaching & learning

2.2. Risks

2.2.1. Fear of change

2.2.2. Students must do more

2.2.3. Techno-ability of students

2.3. Benefits

2.3.1. Presentation style & study method

2.3.2. Increase student participation

2.3.3. Assists students in connecting the dots

2.3.4. Application across modules

3. Conclusions

3.1. Stimulus for change

3.2. Resolution & Perseverance

4. Challenges

4.1. Chalk & Talk

4.1.1. Problematic PPT presentations Periphrastic paragraphs 'Points'hidden 'Points' difficult to connect Promotes rote learning

4.2. Limited student participation

4.2.1. Passive knowledge recipients

4.2.2. Learning for assessment vs understanding

5. Problem Identification: Old school teaching approach is promoting poor student engagement...

6. Hype, hope, disappointment: Jill's journey of e-tools discovery..

6.1. Affordance theory

6.2. Mapping the journey

6.3. PPT vs C Maps