Changes to Australia's cultural composition post World War 2

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Changes to Australia's cultural composition post World War 2 par Mind Map: Changes to Australia's cultural composition post World War 2

1. Population after World War 2

1.1. Australia: 21,137,708

1.2. New South Wales: 6,598,743

1.3. Victoria: 4,031,598

1.4. Queensland: 2,389,542

1.5. Northern Territory: 1,209,421

1.6. South Australia: 3,689,543

1.7. Western Australia: 3,598,241

1.8. Autralia Capital Territory: 323,056

2. demography after world war 2

2.1. Age(0-30): 41%

2.2. Age(30-60): 35%

2.3. Age(60+): 24%

2.3.1. New node

3. Population before World War 2

3.1. Australia: 6,998,000

3.2. New Soth Wales: 1,489,777

3.3. Victoria: 1,275,900

3.4. Queensland: 1,030,567

3.5. Northern Territory: 567,320

3.6. South Australia: 1,159,684

3.7. Western Australia: 1,268,902

3.8. Australia Capital Territory: 125,682

4. demography before world war 2

4.1. Age(0-30): 32%

4.2. Age(30-60):40%

4.3. Age(60+): 28%