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WC 15th August により Mind Map: WC 15th August

1. PT Course

1.1. Continue to work through the programming module and research into new areas i don't fully understand

1.2. Listen to a podcast on other people that have started their own personal training business and get a feel for their journey

2. Music

2.1. Have a listen to the Eastern Electric artists

2.2. Start listening to one new artist

3. Gym Training

3.1. Write myself phase 3 program and so some research into how to further improve my weak areas

3.2. Try squatting with back squat shoes this week

3.3. Start to understand mobility more and applying it to my training

4. Adrenaline

4.1. Moto GP

4.1.1. Put on a bet for the next Moto GP race

4.1.2. Watch the next Moto GP race

4.2. Sky Diving

4.2.1. Have a look into best places to do a Sky Dive

4.3. Mountain Biking

4.3.1. Have a look at good places to ride and write-ups

5. Fashion

5.1. Watch a YouTube video hall to get inspiration for Eastern Electrics.