Functions of Animal Organs - They all work together...
by cee gull

1. Kidneys
1.1. Blood filter
1.2. Creates urine
1.3. Creates hormones to: make red blood cells, regulate blood pressure, maintain calcium
2. Lungs
2.1. Controls respiration
2.2. Brings in oxygen the body needs for cell survival
2.3. Disposes of carbon dioxide, a waste product of the body.
3. Heart
3.1. Pumps blood through the body
3.2. Carries oxygen to cells and to the brain
4. Eye
4.1. Acts like a camera for the brain
4.2. Uses light to create images
4.3. Sense of sight
5. Ears
5.1. Sense of hearing
5.2. Primary organ for balance
5.3. Tells the brain our head position using fluid in the ear
6. Skin
6.1. Largest organ of the human body
6.1.1. Sub Idea 1
6.1.2. Sub Idea 2