What is Educational Technology?
by Aaron Rafter

1. Brain pop
2. iPads in the classroom
3. Learning Games are fun
3.1. engaging
3.2. Coolmath Games
4. Class Videos are helpful
5. Software that supports or facilitates student learning
6. Technology is used to assist teachers/teaching
7. educational videos
7.1. YouTube
7.1.1. TeacherTube PBS/History Channel Videos
8. I am adding another idea. Will it delete something else.
9. Online homework help after school
9.1. online textbook aids
10. Online Class
11. differentiation
11.1. individualized learning
12. fun times!
13. iGeneration
13.1. Digital childhood
14. Class blogs
14.1. edublogs
14.2. blogger
14.3. Im finally In!!!! :)))))
15. Prezi and Powrpoint
15.1. Hello
16. WEB 2.0 TOOLS
17. B.Y.O.T
17.1. Students can read their books off of kindles
18. School Friendly communication
18.1. edmodo
18.2. remind
18.3. Infinite campus
18.3.1. class dojo