Stars, Galaxies and the Universe

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Stars, Galaxies and the Universe por Mind Map: Stars, Galaxies and the Universe

1. General Information

1.1. A galaxy is a huge collection of stars

1.2. A Universe is a collection of galaxies and the space inbetween

1.3. Our solar system contains planets, asteroids , a sun , moons , comets , dust and gas

1.4. The inner and rocky planets are Mercury , Venus, Earth and Mars and then an asteroid belt separates them from the rest of the planets which are outer gassy planets, these are Jupiter,Saturn,Uranus and Neptune (In that Order)

2. Stars

2.1. Balls of Gas

2.2. Made from Hydrogen and Helium

2.3. There are around 100 billion stars in a galaxy

3. Lightyears

3.1. We use lightyears to shorten the distance number so it looks like 3 Light Years instead of 30000000000 Miles

3.2. The distance light passes in a year.