La API v1 de MindMeister está en desuso. Por favor, utiliza la última API v2.

Do changes on the map


Requires signing: Yes
Requires authentication: Yes
Requires access: write


client_revision (required) What revision does the client have
data (required) JSONified array of changes, eg. [{"idea_id": 4518,"type": "Title", "new_data": {"id": 4518, "title": "from the api"}, "id": 26}]
map_id (required)
timestamp (optional) The timestamp of the previous poll request done by the client

Sample Response

{"revision": 22, "changes": null, "responses": [{"client_id": 26}]}

Error Codes

20 Object not found
Object not found
96 Invalid signature
The passed signature was invalid.
97 Missing signature
The call required signing but no signature was sent.
98 Login failed
The login details or auth token passed were invalid.
100 Invalid API Key
The API key passed was not valid or has expired.
112 Method not found
The requested method was not found.
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Test Method

No API key found.

If you already have an API key you might just have to Sign In.

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