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Ekonomi Forecast par Mind Map: Ekonomi Forecast

1. 2029

1.1. 10% of global gross domestic product will be stored using blockchain technology.

2. 2036

2.1. Economic decline in the Middle East

3. 2035

3.1. Bill Gates: poverty eradicated by 2035

4. 2022

4.1. Mobile payments grow to $3 trillion, a 200 fold increase from 7 years prior

5. 2022

5.1. Denmark begins making shifts towards cash-free societies

6. 2018

6.1. The African Central Bank is established

7. 2007

7.1. Global economic downturn

8. 2016

8.1. Apple Inc. achieves a market capitalisation of one trillion dollars

9. 2017

9.1. Scotland Is Starting a Universal Basic Income Experiment in 2018

10. 2045

10.1. India's economy is rivalling that of China and the U.S.

11. 2017

11.1. Chinas economy will overtake the us for the first time

12. 2017

12.1. Rising Youth Unemployment