Social Media Training Plan Presentation Jennifer (Gin) Brown AET/570 Dr. Gale Cossette

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Social Media Training Plan Presentation Jennifer (Gin) Brown AET/570 Dr. Gale Cossette par Mind Map: Social Media Training Plan Presentation   Jennifer (Gin) Brown   AET/570    Dr. Gale Cossette

1. Effects:

1.1. According to 2011 Pew Research data, nearly 80% of American adults are online and nearly 60% of them use social networking sites. (Social media, n.d.) Adding Social media to a company can have a huge effect to the company, such as:

1.1.1. 1. Communication a. Employees will be able to give feedback 2. Loyalty Programs a. Monitor your employees b. Track visitors and training programs c. Analysis the company growth 3. Marketing a. Free Advertising

2. Ethics:

2.1. The ethics of the company social media must be introduced and managed, so the company can be safe from:

2.1.1. 1. Law suits 2. Cyberbullying 3. Company personal information getting out. 4. Employees negative marks

3. Competence:

3.1. Social media competence is very important for the company as for the following:

3.1.1. 1. It helps the employer uses social media as a tool to solve problems, communicate and give feedback. 2. It levels out the learning styles and focus on the new generation entering into the working world 3. It will continue to build businesses partners

4. Recommendation:

4.1. The recommendation for the Hearing and the Deaf community would be to integrate a training program that will allow your employees to understand how to take while being trained through social media network. These training programs has been recommended to make the transition easier for your company

4.1.1. 1. Bridge: The training software helping your employees succeed. (Bridge, 2017)

4.1.2. 2. Allencomm: Allen Communication generally works with large corporations that have training needs involving 1000+ learners. (Allen Communication Learning Services, 2016)

4.1.3. 3. Social Media Quickstarter: The Social Media Quickstarter offers the step-by-step instructions you need to start building your social media presence across all of the top social networks. (Constant Contact, 1996-2017)

5. Transfer of learning is the idea that what one learns in school somehow carries over to situations different from that particular time and that particular setting. (Learning theory, n.d.) This theory will help transfer information you already know about social media and transfer it into a program to teaches you further.

5.1. Constructivism emphasizes the importance of the active involvement of learners in constructing knowledge for themselves. (Learning theory, n.d.) This theory will help the employees to learn how to use social media with their hands (active involvement) and also could lead to teaching others what they have learned on social media.

6. Problem:

6.1. What: The problem is no one gets trained on how to take notes.

6.2. Where: The problem is the ability to take notes correctly for disable students.

6.3. Who: Adding a training program will affect the employees, clients, and the company.

6.3.1. 1. The employees will have more direction of what to do. 2. The clients will be better organized according to their disability. 3. The company will be more organized and more discipline with structure.

6.4. How: Add a training program that will appear to all ages of the employees and keep up with the younger generation.

6.5. Why: A person's experience can also be assessed without formal training under a system of "recognition of prior learning" (RPL). (National Training System, n.d.)

6.6. Why: An organizational structure defines how activities such as task allocation, coordination and supervision are directed toward the achievement of organizational aims. (Organizational structure, n.d.)

7. Theories:

8. Organization:

8.1. Deaf & Hearing Interpreting Services, Inc. 25882 Orchard Lake Road, Suite 100 Farmington, Hills, MI 48336

8.1.1. Deaf & Hearing Interpreting Services, Inc. (DHIS) is a “grass roots” organization established from a need for Deaf and hard of hearing older adults to access services otherwise made impossible or difficult to access due to the communication barrier.

8.1.2. Although this company Enhance community awareness of the Deaf and the hard of hearing it lacks the proper training to get the full value of the program. (Deaf & Hearing Interpreting Services, Inc.)

9. References:

9.1. Allen Communication Learning Services. (2016). Allencomm. Retrieved from Allen Communication Learning Services: Bridge. (2017). Bridge: the training software helping your employees succeed. Retrieved from Bridge:,Capterra,Training_Listing&CampaignID=701A0000000G3FoIAK Constant Contact. (1996-2017). Social Media 101. Retrieved from Constant Contact: Deaf & Hearing Interpreting Services, Inc. (n.d.). Deaf & Hearing Interpreting Services, Inc. Retrieved from Learning theory. (n.d.). Retrieved 5 29, 2017, from Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia: Margulies, N. (1972). Organizational Development: Values, Process, and Technology. McGraw-Hill Book Co. Retrieved 5 29, 2017 National Training System. (n.d.). Retrieved 5 29, 2017, from Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia: Organizational structure. (n.d.). Retrieved 5 29, 2017, from Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia: Social media. (n.d.). Retrieved 5 29, 2017, from Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia: