Teaching, Learning and Developing

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Teaching, Learning and Developing により Mind Map: Teaching, Learning and Developing

1. Postive Learning Environment

1.1. Planned lessons and set up of classroom

1.2. Atmosphere

1.3. classroom rules

1.3.1. Include students when making them

1.4. Reward and punishment

1.5. Classroom Management

1.6. Positive behaviour support

1.7. Calm, fair, consistent very important

2. Developmental Differences

2.1. Classroom Management

2.1.1. Organized

2.2. Vygotsky

2.2.1. Scaffolding Proximal Development able to assess what they learned know there cues and decoding break tasks to get feedback connect to prior knowledge

2.3. other variables that make an impact

2.3.1. Space Time Language

2.4. Teach to ALL learning styles

3. Intellectual

3.1. Challenges

3.1.1. Special education Indivudalized education plan

3.1.2. Mainstream

3.1.3. Inclusive

3.1.4. Cognitive skill profile Outlines the behavioural and cognitive challegnes

3.2. Different types of learners

3.2.1. Visual Music Auditory

3.2.2. Logical Kinesthetics

3.2.3. Reading/Writing

3.2.4. Auditory

3.3. Ability to adapt to ones environment

3.4. Ability to learn from one's experience

4. Socio-Cultural

4.1. "what is good for one is good for all"

4.2. Socio-economic has the greatest influence on achievement

4.2.1. Based upon education, income and occuption

4.2.2. Effects parenting style Permissive style Authoritative Authoritarian

4.3. Religon

4.4. Visible Minorities

4.5. Aboriginals

4.6. Same sex couples

4.7. Single parent families

4.8. Stereotype threat

4.8.1. Fear existing in your eyes or others

4.9. Diversity

4.10. Multicultural

5. What I Learned

5.1. They are all connected,

5.1.1. All Coexist together

5.1.2. Overlap

5.1.3. Have an impact on Education

5.1.4. Impact on how a student learns

5.1.5. Impact on how a teacher teaches

6. Three learning goals I made at beginning of course/results:

7. Activities I Enjoyed/Learned from the Most:

8. 2 Instructional Approaches to Teaching

9. Dynamic Classroom Management

9.1. 3 Fundamental Understandings when Implementing DCM

10. Three fundamental cognitive functions for intelligence

11. Students who Receive Special Education

12. Social-Cultural Considerations

13. Planning

13.1. Reflective Practice

13.1.1. Practitioner

13.1.2. Scholarly Knowledge (Sockett)

13.2. Psychology

13.2.1. Central topics

13.2.2. Research process

13.2.3. Six Influential Theorists in Educational Psychology

13.3. Curricular Planning

13.3.1. Curricular planning process

13.4. Constructing a clear approach to teaching

13.4.1. Guidelines teachers should consider

14. Instructional decisions

14.1. Lesson Plans

14.2. Learning Objectives

14.3. Curriculum

14.4. Include students when making rules and routines in the classroom

15. Assessing Student Progress

15.1. Evaluation

15.2. Formative assessment

15.3. Testing

15.3.1. Multiple choice

15.3.2. Fill in the blanks

15.3.3. Short answers

15.3.4. true and False

15.3.5. Valid

15.3.6. Reliable

15.4. Rubic

15.5. Letting students know your expectations

15.6. Provide feedback

15.7. have different assessments

15.7.1. presentations

15.7.2. Tests

15.7.3. Papers

15.7.4. portfolios

15.7.5. Learning logs

16. Standardized achievement test

16.1. EQAO

16.1.1. Grade 3,6,9

16.1.2. Grade 10 Literacy test

16.2. Aptitude test

16.3. "Teach to test"

16.4. For the government

16.5. Reflect and see who is struggling with what

17. Schwab’s four commonplaces

18. What are Assessment?

18.1. Three Purposes of Assessment

18.2. When Designing Tests and Exams

18.3. Achievement vs. Aptitude Tests

19. Blooms Taxonomy

20. Effects of Parenting Styles on Education

21. Aboriginal Education