The Book Thief Characters
by gage brownell

1. Otto S
1.1. delivers goods to the church every friday
1.2. fell off bike because of rudy and liesel
2. Alex S
2.1. ludwigs older brother
3. Arthur Berg
3.1. The first leader of the fruit stealing gang that Liesel and Rudy join
4. Frau D
4.1. pro-Nazi shopkeeper who refuses service to anyone who does not salute and say "Heil Hitler" upon entering her corner store.
5. Ilsa H
5.1. Ilsa and her husband take Liesel into their home after Hans and Rosa are killed.
5.2. the mayors wife
5.3. has her own library
6. Johann H
6.1. the hermanns son who froze to death
6.2. library was his
7. Walter K
7.1. Maxs bff
7.2. they were fighting buddies
7.3. helped max against being captured
8. Werner M
8.1. Liesels brother
8.2. Died on train
9. Junior H
9.1. Hans' son
9.2. good luck in war
10. The Fuhrer
10.1. hitler
10.2. evil man
10.2.1. hates jews
11. Pfifficus
11.1. the whistler
11.1.1. hates kids who mock his whistling
12. Death
12.1. Narrator
12.2. favorites liesel
13. Frans D
13.1. Rudys hitler youth leader
13.2. Hes a bully
14. Andy S
14.1. Ludwig's older brother
15. frau olendrich
15.1. Frau Olendrich is Liesel and Rudy's teacher.
16. Mrs. jenson
16.1. Uses the same bomb shelter as liesel and her family
17. Mr. Herbert Jenson
17.1. Uses the same bomb shelter as liesel and her family.
18. Anna-Marie S
18.1. Rudys sibling
18.2. died on himmel st
19. Karin S
19.1. Rudys sibling
19.2. died on himmel st
20. Bettina S
20.1. Rudys sibling
20.2. died on himmel st
21. Emma S
21.1. Rudys sibling
21.2. died on himmel st
22. Rolf Schultz
22.1. young man who died in the bomb shelter
23. Herr Feilder
23.1. The shelter was in his basement
24. Frau hallah
24.1. A lady on Himmel St. Who hid in the basement during the raid.
25. Hans H
25.1. Liesel's foster father
25.1.1. plays accordian dies
26. Rosa H
26.1. Liesel's foster mother
27. Liesel M
27.1. Main character
27.1.1. The book theif
27.1.2. Her brother died Which started the theivery