Socratic Dialoge

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Socratic Dialoge Door Mind Map: Socratic Dialoge

1. General

1.1. Opponent gives definition of truth

1.2. Socrates finds flaws and unravels definition

1.3. Opponent is forced to admit to ignorance

2. Euthyphro

2.1. What is piety?

2.1.1. That which is loved by the gods Some things loved by some gods

2.1.2. They love just human actions Is it loved because it is holy or is it holy because it is loved?

2.1.3. Give service to the gods prayers only them for things and ask them to do things for us sacrifices only give back to them what they have already given us

3. Thrasymachus

3.1. Socrates asks, "what is justice?"

3.1.1. Thrasymachus replies, "Might makes right"

3.2. Thras is also forced to admit that rulers make bad laws

3.3. Polemarchus declares the Thrasymachus' truth is wrong

4. Symposium

4.1. Diotima teaches Socrates