1. Indicators of Compromise
1.1. CIRCL
1.1.1. https://www.circl.lu/services/misp-malware-information-sharing-platform/
1.3. FireEye
1.4. Nullsecure
1.5. Proofpoint
1.5.1. Emerging Threats
1.6. Wapack labs
1.6.1. https://cms.wapacklabs.com/
1.6.2. ThreatRecon https://threatrecon.co/
1.7. Malware Samples & Hashes
1.7.1. Abuse.ch
1.7.2. Malc0de.com
1.7.3. MalwareConfig
1.7.4. OPSWAT
1.7.5. ThreatCrowd
1.7.6. VirusSign
1.7.7. Virustotal
1.7.8. VXVault
2. Intelligence Portals
2.1. AlienVault
2.2. AlienVault OTX
2.3. Censys.io
2.4. Cymon
2.5. IBM Xforce
2.6. Passivetotal
2.7. Pulsedive
2.8. ThreatCrowd
2.9. ThreatMiner
2.10. ThreatStop
2.11. Virustotal
2.12. ZoomEye.org
3. IPS Signatures/Rules
3.1. Proofpoint
3.2. Snort.org
4. Predictive Intelligence
4.1. Bfore.ai
4.2. Seclytics
4.3. Sovereign Intelligence
5. Security Technology Intelligence Enrichment
5.1. Anomali
5.2. EclecticIQ
5.3. Google (VirusTotal)
5.4. Outpost24
5.5. Proofpoint Emerging Threats Intelligence
5.6. ThreatBook
5.7. ThreatConnect
5.8. ThreatQuotient
6. Social/Web Media Monitoring
6.1. BrandProtect
6.2. ClearBit
6.2.1. https://clearbit.com/reveal
6.3. Digital Shadows
6.4. Recorded Future
6.5. ReSecurity
6.6. ZeroFOX
7. Threat Actor Intelligence
7.1. Blueliv
7.2. CrowdStrike
7.3. Cyware
7.4. Digital Shadows
7.5. FireEye
7.6. Flashpoint
7.7. Intel 471
7.8. Kaspersky
7.9. Kela Intelligence
7.10. Recorded Future
7.11. ReSecurity
7.12. Sovereign Intelligence
8. Threat Intelligence Analyst Outsourcing
8.1. Digital Shadows
8.2. Flashpoint
8.3. Intel 471
8.4. Kela Intelligence
9. Vulnerability Research
9.1. Telus Security Labs
9.1.1. http://telussecuritylabs.com/signatures/attack_detection
9.2. Vupen
9.2.1. http://www.vupen.com/english/services/tpp-index.php
10. Analyst Tools
10.1. Anomali
10.2. Cyware
10.3. Dispel.io
10.4. EclecticIQ
10.5. IBM i2 Analyst’s Notebook
10.6. Kaspersky
10.7. Paterva’s Maltego
10.8. Spiderfoot
10.9. SwordEye
10.10. ThreatConnect
10.11. ThreatQuotient
10.12. ThreatStop
11. Anti-Phishing/Spam
11.1. Area 1 Security
11.2. ChaosReigns
11.3. Cyren
11.4. DomainTools
11.5. Malwarebytes
11.5.1. hpHosts https://hosts-file.net/
11.6. OpenPhish
11.7. PhishMe
11.8. PhishTank
11.9. RiskIQ
11.10. SegaSec
11.11. SentryBay
11.12. SpamRats
11.13. uceprotect.net
12. Brand Monitoring
12.1. ACID Technologies
12.2. Blueliv
12.3. BrandProtect
12.4. Digital Shadows
12.5. Recorded Future
12.6. Risk Based Security
12.7. RiskIQ
12.8. SpyCloud
13. Breached Credential Data
13.1. citadel.pw
13.2. haveibeenpwned.com
13.3. Kela Cyber
13.4. Resecurity
13.5. Spycloud
13.6. Hudson Rock
13.7. Flashpoint
13.8. Bitsight (Cybersixgill)
14. Deep/Dark Web Monitoring
14.1. AlertLogic
14.2. AlienVault
14.3. CloudSek
14.4. Dark Shadows
14.5. DashLane
14.6. DigitalStakeout
14.7. Experian
14.8. Groupsense
14.9. Kela Intelligence
14.10. MarkMonitor
14.11. MassiveAlliance
14.12. Phishlabs
14.13. Recorded Future
14.14. Resecurity
14.15. Sovereign Intelligence
14.16. SpyCloud
14.17. Terbiumlabs
14.18. TruthFinder
14.19. WebHose.io
15. External Asset Discovery/Monitoring
15.1. Assetnote.io
15.2. CyberInt
15.3. Expanse
15.4. Kela Intelligence
15.5. Pwnieexpress
15.6. IBM (Formerly Randori)
15.7. ReSecurity
15.8. RiskIQ
15.9. Secapps
16. Feeds
16.1. Advertising Blocklists
16.1.1. Malwarebytes hpHosts https://hosts-file.net/
16.1.2. Systcl.org
16.2. Command and Control (C&C)
16.2.1. Cybercrime Tracker
16.2.2. LookingGlass
16.2.3. Proofpoint
16.2.4. ReSecurity
16.3. DNS DGA Feeds
16.3.1. Farsight Security
16.3.2. Bambenekconsulting
16.4. File Reputation
16.4.1. Findthatfile
16.4.2. Webroot
16.5. IP Reputation
16.5.1. ChaosReigns
16.5.2. Cyren
16.5.3. Kittenlasers
16.5.4. WebRoot Brightcloud
16.6. IP/Domain Block Lists
16.6.1. Abuse.ch
16.6.2. Asprox
16.6.3. Autoshun
16.6.4. Badips
16.6.5. Bambenek Consulting http://osint.bambenekconsulting.com/feeds/dga-feed.txt
16.6.6. Binary Defense Systems
16.6.7. Blocklist.de
16.6.8. Carbonite Acquired WebRoot
16.6.9. CI Army (CINS)
16.6.10. Cyren
16.6.11. FIREHOL
16.6.12. Greensnow
16.6.13. Malwarebytes hpHosts https://hosts-file.net/
16.6.14. Malwaredomains.com
16.6.15. MalwarePatrol
16.6.16. MVPSHosts
16.6.17. NoThink
16.6.18. ThreatCrowd
16.6.19. ThreatStop
16.7. Malicious URL
16.7.1. Cyren
16.7.2. Findthatfile
16.7.3. FIREHOL
16.7.4. Joxean
16.7.5. KnownSec
16.7.6. Malc0de.com
16.7.7. MalwareDomainlist.com
16.7.8. MalwarePatrol
16.7.9. StopBadware
16.7.10. VXVault
16.7.11. Webroot
16.8. Proxy Lists
16.8.1. FIREHOL
16.8.2. Proxylists.me
16.8.3. Spys.ru
16.9. Tor Exit Nodes
16.9.1. Dan.xxx
16.10. Zero-Day Feeds
16.10.1. ExodusIntel
16.10.2. Zerodium
16.11. Domain Categories
16.11.1. Zvelo
16.11.2. shallalist.de
16.11.3. Netstar, Inc
16.11.4. Unveiltech
16.11.5. Symantec https://www.symantec.com/products/rulespace
16.11.6. Carbonite (Formerly Webroot) BrightCloud
16.11.7. Kaspersky https://www.kaspersky.com/web-filter
16.11.8. Blacklist UT1 http://dsi.ut-capitole.fr/blacklists/index_en.php
17. Fraud
17.1. Groupsense
17.2. Internet Fraud Alert
17.2.1. http://www.ifraudalert.org/default.aspx
17.3. Malwarebytes
17.3.1. hpHosts https://hosts-file.net/
17.4. National Cyber-Forensics and Training Alliance
17.4.1. http://www.ncfta.net/Index.aspx