Abortion Controversy: Fargo Womens Health Clinic

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Abortion Controversy: Fargo Womens Health Clinic by Mind Map: Abortion Controversy:  Fargo Womens Health Clinic

1. Choice Believes Pro Life is:

1.1. narrow minded

1.2. intolerant

1.3. denying fundamental freedoms

2. Pro Choice

2.1. ability to choose to continue pregnancy

2.1.1. ability to determine viability

2.1.2. when is fetus a "person"

2.1.3. technology made choice safe

2.2. ability to choose birth control methods

2.3. individual determination of ability to be mother

2.4. seeks creation of more hospitable culture for nurturers/ women's roles

2.4.1. interests of social justice and social responsibility

2.4.2. sensitivity to women's place in society

2.4.3. seeks extension of nurturance as cultural value

2.5. nurturance natural and part of female role

2.6. remains religious

2.6.1. less judgemental to women's circumstances

3. Health Services (including abortion)

3.1. Community characteristics

3.1.1. Pride

3.1.2. Clean environment

3.1.3. church participation

3.1.4. small metro center in rural region

3.1.5. literal & figurative distance from NYC

3.2. Wage labor vs. Motherhood

3.3. Stories of Procreation

3.3.1. reasoning behind pro or con

3.3.2. self identity

3.3.3. values identification

4. Life believes Pro Choice is:

4.1. eroding moral fiber

4.2. neglecting the nurturing role

4.3. issue is personal responsibility for males and females

5. Pro Life

5.1. abortion intrusion into community

5.1.1. secularism

5.1.2. narcissism

5.1.3. material

5.1.4. decadence

5.1.5. creates structural males

5.1.6. breaks down social norms

5.2. nurturance not natural but achieved

5.2.1. values of those born 20's - 50's

5.2.2. retain status-quo

5.3. God is in charge

5.3.1. religion supports procreation

5.3.2. technology shows life growing

5.3.3. threatens societal continuance

5.4. Idealists

5.5. women see power in the reproductive role

6. Commonalities

6.1. community

6.2. most cultural values

6.3. Seek to enhance the value of women and the nurturing role in American culture

6.4. view nurturing as a basis for cultural identity

6.5. belief in God