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Reggae by Mind Map: Reggae

1. Zona Ganjah

1.1. poder

1.1.1. Overview of Projects Past Current Upcoming

1.2. sanazion

1.2.1. Engagement specific checklist

1.2.2. Backup recording projects

2. Supa Bassie

2.1. diario a bordo

2.1.1. Warranty Limits

2.2. caramelo

3. Cultura Profetica

3.1. la dulzura

3.1.1. Hardware

3.1.2. Software

3.1.3. Instruments

3.2. m.o.t.a

4. Bob Marley

4.1. GOLD

4.1.1. Scales

4.1.2. Arpeggios

4.1.3. Etudes

4.1.4. Pieces

4.2. legend

4.2.1. Recordings

4.2.2. Diary

5. Alika

5.1. mi palabra mi alma

6. Morodo

6.1. yo me pregunto

6.1.1. Lessons for beginning students

6.1.2. Lessons for advanced students

6.2. cosas que contarte

6.2.1. Monthly goals

6.2.2. Quarterly goals