Relationships With People

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Relationships With People by Mind Map: Relationships With People

1. Questions for YSS

1.1. How does your department show that you take feedback seriously?

1.2. How did you provide timely feedback to your students using Titanpad, given that there were so many groups in the class? The slides show that some of the comments were provided at 11pm at night.

1.3. How did you come to the decision that Titanpad is the ICT tool to use?

2. First discussion:

2.1. Managing both EL and EL/Lit teachers

2.2. Caring for our teachers' welfare

2.3. Managing our teachers' emotions

2.4. Young versus experienced teachers

2.4.1. Gain buy-in by developing trust

2.4.2. Transfer of knowledge

2.4.3. Effective teamwork

3. Our shared issue

3.1. Managing different groups of teachers in our department

3.1.1. Create opportunities to work as a team Peer-learning teaching PLC project

3.1.2. Identify strengths and weaknesses of each individual. Meetings KLP Tap on teachers' strengths

3.1.3. Recognise and celebrate successes Meetings Informal gatherings

3.1.4. Take feedback seriously

3.1.5. Building a culture of learning and sharing Sharing of ideas and resources Sharing of TPACK Framework Open Classrooms