1. Distributed by Kable?
2. Pulps 1933-1934
2.1. Conflict (Sum. 1933 - Sep/Oct 1934)
2.1.1. v1 #1-2 (1933)
2.1.2. v2 #1-2 (1934)
3. Kable Distribution Connection?
4. Titles (per GCD)
4.1. Amazing Mystery Funnies
4.1.1. v1 #1-3 (1938)
4.1.2. v2 #1-12 (1939)
4.1.3. v3 #1 & #18-24 (1940)
4.2. Comic Pages
4.2.1. v3 #4-6 (1939)
4.3. Cowboy Comics
4.3.1. v1 #13-14 (1938)
4.4. Detective Eye
4.4.1. #1-2 (1940)
4.5. Fantoman
4.5.1. #2-4 (1940)
4.6. Funny Pages
4.6.1. v2 #6-12 (1938)
4.6.2. v3 #1-10 (1939)
4.6.3. v4#1 & #35-42 (1940)
4.7. Funny Picture Stories
4.7.1. v2 #6-11, nn (1938)
4.7.2. v3 #1-3 (1939)
4.8. Keen Detective Funnies
4.8.1. v1 #8-11 (1938)
4.8.2. v2 #1-12 (1939)
4.8.3. v3 #1 & #18-24 (1940)
4.9. Keen Komics
4.9.1. #1-3 (1939)
4.10. Little Giant Comics
4.10.1. #1-4 (1938-1939)
4.11. Masked Marvel
4.11.1. #1-3 (1940)
4.12. Star Comics
4.12.1. v1 #10-16 (1938)
4.12.2. v2 #1-7 (1939)
4.13. Star Ranger
4.13.1. v1 #10-12 (1938)
4.14. Star Ranger Funnies
4.14.1. v1 #15 (1938)
4.14.2. v2 #1-5 (1939)
4.15. Super Spy
4.15.1. #1-2 (1940)
4.16. The Arrow
4.16.1. 1-2 (1940)
4.17. Uncle Joe's Funnies
4.17.1. #1 (1938)
4.18. Wham Comics
4.18.1. #1-2 (1940)
4.19. Amazing Adventure Funnies
4.19.1. #1-2 (1940)
4.20. Little Giant Detective Funnies
4.20.1. #1 & 4 (1938-1940)
4.21. Little Giant Movie Funnies
4.21.1. #1-2 (1938)
5. References
5.1. Steranko's Histories
5.1.1. "John Harley's Centaur Comics"
5.1.2. "Centaur Comics for Harley Publications"
5.1.3. Centaur declared bankruptcy in 1940
5.2. Alter Ego #87
5.2.1. pg 45-46 quote
5.2.2. pg 43 claim
5.3. Alter Ego #91
5.3.1. listing of all known Centaur / Ultem / Chesler / Comics Magazine Company issues
5.4. Benton's Comic Book In America (1989)
5.4.1. Poor distribution, pg 98
5.5. New York Times 1940
5.5.1. Oct. 4 - Filed Against
5.5.2. Oct. 21 - Bankruptcy Filed
6. Chesler studio supplied material
7. 1940 Death due to?
7.1. Files for Bankruptcy Nov. 1940 (MF)
7.2. Poor Distribution (HA)
7.3. Market Glut (BH)
7.4. General economic growth fine (TR)
7.5. War (TW)
7.6. Not paper rationing cause it didn't start till Spring of 1942 (Batt)
7.7. Drop in Comic book and all print circ and glut of comics (MF)
8. Related Companies
8.1. Ultem Publications (1937-1938)
8.1.1. Sold 4 titles to Centaur
8.1.2. Comics produced by Harry A Chesler
8.1.3. Continuation of Chesler Publ. Owners, printer & size changed
8.1.4. Printed at 404 N. Wesley Ave., Mount Morris IL
8.1.5. Owned by Frank Z. Temerson, I. W. Ullman, C. & A. Publishing Co.
8.2. Comic Corporation of America CCA (1939-1942)
8.2.1. co-advertised with Centaur as "The Centaur Group"
8.2.2. Final issue of Centaur title The Arrow published by CCA
8.2.3. Published Amazing Man Comics as part of "The Centaur Group" starting Sept 1939
8.2.4. Published other magazines/puzzle books after 1942
8.2.5. Published some comics for Chicago Mail Order Company during 1942
8.2.6. Owned by Comic Corporation of America, Joseph J. Hardie, Raymond J. Kelly, E. L. Angel
8.2.7. At the same Editorial address as Centaur in 1939 & 1940
8.3. Harle Publications
8.3.1. Listed as co-owner of Centaur
8.3.2. Another company with J. Hardie & J. Kelly as publishers
8.4. C. & A. Publishing Co.
8.4.1. C & A is in ownership statements of Periodical House (Ace) in 1940-42
8.4.2. E.L. Angel is in ownership statements of Periodical House (Ace) in 1940-42 Evangeline Angel is wife to Warren Angel affiliated with Kable
9. Ownership
9.1. Owned as of Sept 1938 by Centaur Publications, Harle Publications, Raymond J. Kelly, S. J. Fried
9.2. Owned as of Sept 1939 by Centaur Publications, Raymond J. Kelly, S. J. Fried, Joseph J. Hardie, E. L. Angel
10. Addresses
10.1. Office of Publication: 420 De Soto Avenue, St. Louis, MO (Nov 1938 - Oct 1940)
10.1.1. 420 De Soto Ave, Saint Louis, MO is the address of World Color Press, a printer
10.2. Office of Publication: 221 East 20th St., Chicago IL (Nov. 1940)
10.2.1. Printer's address