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Workshop by Mind Map: Workshop

1. Who to invite?

1.1. Ecotrust

1.1.1. The companies that has signed up for the workgroups

1.2. Novex

1.2.1. Rob Safratta

1.2.2. Ken

1.3. Tamara, vancity

1.4. Board of trade

1.5. pembina

1.5.1. alison [email protected]

1.5.2. Matthew McCulloch [email protected]

1.6. david suzuki

1.6.1. Paul Lingl [email protected]

1.6.2. Deborah Carslon [email protected]

1.7. buysmart

1.7.1. Amy Robinson SPN Coordinator Sustainability Purchasing Network

1.8. Magda

1.9. University of Victoria Sustainability Project (UVSP)

1.9.1. Naomi Devine Common Energy Director

1.10. Bonnie Fenton Bike advisory comitee

1.11. changead

1.11.1. Marc Stoiber [email protected]

2. Budget

2.1. Is there one?

3. Time and place

3.1. Kp Homebase

3.2. Thursday 26/4

4. The purpose

4.1. Create a network within creative/kaospilot frames

4.2. Hand over the case study (presentation)

4.3. To hand over the torch

4.4. End the project with style

4.5. create a dialouge

4.6. have fun