Achieve Much More By Uplifting Your Life Continually — 6 Practical Tips On How To Successfully Do It

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Achieve Much More By Uplifting Your Life Continually — 6 Practical Tips On How To Successfully Do It von Mind Map: Achieve Much More By Uplifting Your Life Continually — 6 Practical Tips On How To Successfully Do It

1. Surround yourself with like-minded individuals

1.1. It's someone who truly understands you who finds the words to uplift you

1.2. Someone who has been through similar experiences, who is currently experiencing similar things, or who is having similar life goals.

2. Invest in a mentor-mentee relationship

2.1. Mentors help you jump ahead of the curve and learn better and faster

2.2. Be a mentor yourself too. There’s nothing more uplifting than doing your best to help someone else.

2.3. And you don’t need to feel like you’re exceptional to mentor someone.

2.4. All of us have been through hardships that made us stronger.

2.5. Mentoring someone is about telling your lessons learned in hopes the other person avoids such hardship.

3. Read Biographies Near The End-of-Day

3.1. There’s something about reading about someone you idolize and seeing that, just like you, they’re not perfect.

3.2. It gives you hope that you can achieve more, like them.

3.3. Reading it near the end of the day lets your subconscious be inspired by their stories. You wake up uplifted the next morning.

4. Listen To Uplifting Music

4.1. Some people are strongly affected by music and get goosebumps when they listen to music they like.

4.2. When that happens, you feel unstoppable, and immediately go into flow state.

5. Watch Motivational Videos

5.1. If you need uplifting, watch one or two a day.

5.2. But be careful though, they can be quite addicting.

5.3. Watch, get inspired, then start achieving your own goals.

6. Read Inspirational Stories

6.1. If you read on Medium, you learn that you’re not alone in your hardships.

6.2. People on Medium are more approachable than authors of books

6.3. You'll find many writers on Medium you can relate to

6.4. Reading about their struggles and vulnerabilities makes you feel alive

6.5. How they grew from hardships lifts you up.