What Albert Einstein Can Teach Your Children About Confidence

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What Albert Einstein Can Teach Your Children About Confidence von Mind Map: What Albert Einstein Can Teach Your Children About Confidence

1. It’s okay to have special interests

1.1. Expose your child to a wide variety of activities and encourage them once they find something they love.

1.2. Quirky hobbies can be particularly helpful for children who don’t exactly fit in at school.

1.3. The fact they’re special at something will affect their confidence positively.

2. Imagination is the answer

2.1. Children have a particularly vivid imagination. Let them use it.

2.2. Help them fantasize.

2.3. Encourage them to visualize they’ll be doing something important or fulfilling when they grow up.

2.4. Their dreams might seem unrealistic at the moment, but don’t lower their expectations

3. Persistence needs to be encouraged

3.1. Your child will come across many setbacks in life. Avoid the temptation to be their savior.

3.2. Let them know you’re here if they need you but give them a chance to figure things out on their own.

3.3. To become confident, children need to learn that it’s okay to take risks and fail.

3.4. Let them try and get up once they fall. This will make them resilient and strong enough to deal with life’s challenges.