My Personal Learning Environment (PLE)

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My Personal Learning Environment (PLE) von Mind Map: My Personal Learning Environment (PLE)

1. Reflecting

1.1. Applications/Web pages I use

1.1.1. A calendar for planning a timetable that helps me to organize myself

1.1.2. 'Word' for doing works or noting important things

1.1.3. 'Popplet' or 'Power Point' for representing contents or exposing some works

1.1.4. Blog for reflectioning about what I have learned

1.1.5. Wix for doing the Portfolio

2. Sharing

2.1. Applications/Web pages I use

2.1.1. Google Drive for sharing works with my peers

2.1.2. Umubox for sharing important documents, images, links, and works with my peers

2.1.3. Whatssap for sharing links, videos, images and texts with my peers

2.1.4. Blog for sharing reflections, ideas, images, videos with my peers

2.1.5. Wix for doing the Portfolio

3. Reading

3.1. What means helps me

3.1.1. I go to English classes for strenthening my knowledges about the language

3.1.2. I like to read adventure books

3.1.3. I always look for information in Google that helps me to do a work, or for informing myself because of self-interest

3.1.4. When I have some doubt, I ask it to my family or friends