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The Seasons by Mind Map: The Seasons

1. Summer

2. Fall

3. Winter

3.1. Science

3.1.1. experiment with snow

3.1.2. planting seeds

3.2. Social Studies

3.2.1. characteristics of winter

3.2.2. food and clothing

3.3. Language and Literacy

3.3.1. children's literature

3.3.2. journal writing

3.3.3. print awareness

3.3.4. dramatic play

3.4. Mathematics

3.4.1. sorting

3.4.2. counting

3.4.3. graphs

3.4.4. ordinal position

3.4.5. addition

3.5. Art

3.5.1. making snowflakes

3.5.2. making trees in the snow

3.5.3. making snowmans

3.6. Social/Emotional

3.6.1. cooperation

3.6.2. self-regulation

4. Spring