Judy Blume's Tales of a 4th Grade Nothing

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Judy Blume's Tales of a 4th Grade Nothing by Mind Map: Judy Blume's Tales of a 4th Grade Nothing

1. Distributing Books

1.1. Books have been placed in media center with class lists and a bookmark for each person.

1.2. Parents were notified with note in report cards of the summer read

1.3. Books will be distributed in the media center on the mornings of 7/6 & 7/13.

1.4. Any books not picked up will be mailed to student **be sure number is recorded before mailing**

2. Return of Books by Students

2.1. 8/15 Collect books from students in attendance for "Dribble Day" Have checklists so we can check off numbers

2.2. Include notice in back to school letter to return books on first day of school. Be sure to have checklist so we know which students need to return what books.

3. Fudge's Birthday Party

3.1. 7/18 Reservations due to jbrown@fairview.iu5.org

3.2. 7/25 Celebration & Small Book Talks from 10:00 - 11:15 in FES Cafeteria/Gym

3.3. THINGS DONE: Ben has ordered 2 bouncy rooms, Jim will create discussion questions, MA will order cupcakes and pick them up

3.4. THINGS TO DO: All paper products and cups need to be obtained, juice, signs for doors directing people, heads up to office, volunteer parents needed??

4. Dribble Day

4.1. 8/8 Reservations due to jbrown@fairview.iu5.org

4.2. 8/15 Meet the turtles from the Erie Zoo, complete a craft, & small book talks from 10:00 - 11:15 in the FES Cafeteria/Gym

4.3. THINGS DONE: Erie Zoo educator is reserved, Claudia has ordered craft, Jim will create discussion questions, Mike has been informed of dates, times, and locations

4.4. THINGS TO DO: Order turtle cookies, order juice, paper cups/napkins, parent volunteers, setup requirements/need for zoo person, signs for door directing people, heads up to office