Rebellion in Ireland 1798

Mindmap of main events, people and places associated with the 1798 Rebellion

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Rebellion in Ireland 1798 by Mind Map: Rebellion in Ireland 1798

1. Ulster Uprising

1.1. Henry Joy McCracken, Antrim

1.2. Henry Monroe, Down

2. Munster Uprising

2.1. Fr. John Murphy, Boulavogue

2.2. Bagenel Harvey, Enniscorthy

3. French Connection

3.1. General Lazare Hoche 1796

3.2. General Humbert 1798

3.3. Capture of Wolfe Tone on French vessel, Lough Swilly 1798

4. Background

4.1. The Penal Laws

4.2. Fight for Catholic Emancipation

4.3. United Irishmen

4.4. Bantry Bay 1798

5. Leinster Uprising

5.1. Lord Edward Fitzgerald, Dublin

6. Atrocities

6.1. Slaughter at Vinegar Hill

6.2. Scullabogue Murders

6.3. Wexford Bridge Atrocity

7. Effects of Rebellion

7.1. Act of Union 1801

7.1.1. Irish members of parliament forced to sit at Westminister

7.2. Orange Order becomes popular