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Acute Asthma by Mind Map: Acute Asthma

1. Pathophysiology

1.1. Exposure to allergen trigger

1.1.1. Bronchoconstriction

1.1.2. Mast cells cause inflammation process

1.1.3. Obstruction in lungs due to constriction Increased mucous production

1.1.4. Decrease in gas exchane

2. Diagnosis

2.1. Physical Exam

2.1.1. Dyspnea

2.1.2. Expiratory Wheezing

2.1.3. Chest constriction

2.1.4. Non Productive cough

2.1.5. Prolonged expiration

2.1.6. Tachycardia

2.1.7. Tachypnea

2.2. History of allergies

2.3. History of exercise intolerance

2.4. Peak Flow meter

3. Treatement

3.1. Rescue inhaler

3.2. Oxygen

3.3. Oral Corticosteroids

4. Clinical Presentation

4.1. Cough

4.2. Wheezing

4.3. Hyperventilation

4.4. Chest tightness

4.5. Dyspnea

4.6. Respiratory Alkalosis

5. Epidemiology

5.1. Can develop as a child

5.2. May grow out of it as child ages

5.3. 6.8 million cases among children in U.S.

5.4. 18.7 million cases among adults in U.S.

6. Risk Factors

6.1. Family history

6.2. Smoking