Individual Privacy & Organizational Privacy in Business Analytics

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Individual Privacy & Organizational Privacy in Business Analytics by Mind Map: Individual Privacy & Organizational Privacy in Business Analytics

1. Proposed solution for privacy concerns

1.1. Solution Type

1.1.1. Legislative Solution

1.1.2. Technological Based Solution There is a trade off between privacy protection level and the analysis precision

2. Proposed Solution

2.1. Bloom filter based method with implementation framework

3. Background

3.1. Market basket analysis

3.1.1. Support

3.1.2. Confidence

4. BI Outsourcing

4.1. Reasons

4.1.1. Lack of infrastructure

4.1.2. Lack of expertise

4.1.3. BI requires intensive computational power, sophisticated databases, technical expertise

4.2. Outsourcing practices have raised privacy concerns for individuals

4.2.1. Privacy could be disclosed data for analysis the request for analysis result of anlaysis

4.3. Examples Of BI outsources

4.3.1. Sony outsourced the construction of its customer database for the Sony Style online store

4.3.2. American Expresses: outsourced its marketing database analysis for identification of high potential customers for cross-selling products

4.3.3. Ericsson outsourced its extranet systems used for tracking interaction with customers

4.3.4. Best Buy and Wallmart