The Tales of Alexander Calder's Red, Black, and Blue mobile by Amy Shields

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The Tales of Alexander Calder's Red, Black, and Blue mobile by Amy Shields by Mind Map: The Tales of Alexander Calder's Red, Black, and Blue mobile    by Amy Shields

1. Setting

1.1. The year 2050

1.2. In a galaxy far, far away

2. New node

3. Characters

3.1. The Bossy Red Dot - Myron

3.2. The Curious Blue Dot - Stanley

3.3. The Black Dot Kids

4. Plot

4.1. Beginning: Myron bosses around other dots. Stanley rebels and runs away.

4.2. Middle: Stanley runs into some troubled triangles and wants to return home, but doesn't know the way.

4.3. End: The Black Dot Kids save Stanley and the day!