JS Exploration Interview part 2

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JS Exploration Interview part 2 by Mind Map: JS Exploration Interview part 2

1. String Methods

1.1. charAt

1.2. concat

1.3. endsWith

1.3.1. length to add

1.4. indexOf

1.5. lastIndexOf

1.6. repeat

1.7. replace

1.7.1. replace(new RegExpt('test',g), 'xoxoxo')

1.8. substrings methods

1.8.1. substr index and length based

1.8.2. substring No negative between two positive ranges

2. object Methods

2.1. Merge objects. target source sintax

2.2. Function prototype and assign for injecting properties

3. Math

3.1. abs

3.2. ceil

3.3. floor

3.4. pow(x,y)

3.5. min(ab,c...)

3.6. max(a,b,c...)

3.7. random()

3.8. sqrt()

3.9. toFixed

3.9.1. var num = 5.56789; var n = num.toFixed(2);

3.10. toPrecision

3.10.1. adds more numbers if reqried


4.1. parse

4.2. stringify