1. 1965 The Voting Act
2. 1876-1965 Jim Crow Laws
2.1. A serie of State and Local laws that ensured segregation
2.1.1. Seperate but equal
3. 1954-1968
3.1. The Civil Rights Movement
3.2. 1954 Supreme Court egual rights
3.3. Local groups non violence
3.3.1. 1955 Decemberne Alabama bus boycot Rosa Parks
3.4. Civil Disobedience
3.5. Martin Luther King
3.6. 1965 The Voting Act
4. 2009-2017
4.1. Barack Obama
4.1.1. A more perfect Union
4.1.2. Obamacare
4.1.3. Environment
4.1.4. Yes we can
5. 2017
5.1. Donald Trump
5.1.1. Fed up with Washington
5.1.2. Jobs before environment
5.1.3. Make America Great Again
5.1.4. Immigration
5.1.5. Military
6. Problems today
6.1. Middle Class
6.2. Trade deficit
6.3. racial inenquality
6.4. school shootings
7. 1776
7.1. Declaration of independence
8. 1787
8.1. The Constitution
8.1.1. Ten Amendments Civil Rights 1791 Religion, Assemble, Speech 2 nd Amnedment: The Right To keep and Arms in order to protect
9. 1861-1865
9.1. The American Civil War
9.1.1. North (industry) against slavery- South Farming for industry Slavery abolished in the Northern States up to 1804 - continues in the Southern states
9.1.2. 1860 Lincoln President- wants to end slavery November 1863: The Gettysburg Adress Lasted 2 min. Held at opening of the Cemetary for soliders in Gettysburg One of the Greatest speeches in American History Equality between people and the Civil War as Rebirth of Freedom
9.1.3. 1861 Southern States leave the Union
9.1.4. 1865 Abolishment of Slavery 13 th Amendment passed
9.2. 1863 July 1.-3. The Battle of Gettysburg 50.000 Dead
10. 1865-1877
10.1. The Reconstruction Era
10.1.1. The Southern States were occupied by The Northern States
10.1.2. Many Southern cities were destroyed Transportation, railroads were destroyed
10.1.3. Needed af working force
10.1.4. Many believe it failled Black Code