1. Social Media & Communication
1.1. Facebook
1.1.1. Web Tool and App that allows you to connect and communicate with people
1.2. Twitter
1.2.1. Web Tool and App that allows you to view content from other coaches, players, etc.
1.3. Instagram
1.3.1. A Web Tool and app that allows you to share pictures and videos
1.4. LinkedIn
1.4.1. A Web Tool and App that allows you to connect your professional profile with the world
1.5. Pinterest
1.5.1. A Web Tool and App that allows you to create a bulletin board of ideas and thoughts
1.6. Blogs
1.6.1. Blogs allow you to create reference points and find information from outside sources
1.7. GroupMe
1.7.1. An app that allows you to communicate with people via messaging without things that may limit content such as phone type.
2. Collaboration/Creative Tools
2.1. Prezi
2.1.1. A Web Tool that is used to create presentations
2.2. Google Docs
2.2.1. A Web Tool and App that allows you to create and store documents collaboratively
2.3. Weebly
2.3.1. A Web Tool that is used to create websites
2.4. Dropbox
2.4.1. A Web Tool that allows you to share documents and files
2.5. Doodle
2.5.1. A Web Tool that allows you to create, schedule, and share meeting plans
2.6. EverNote
2.6.1. A Web Tool or App that allows you to take notes on either your phone or tablet
3. Performance/Development Tools
3.1. HUDL
3.1.1. An app that allows coaches to film games and practices to share with other coaches and athletes as well as provide feedback
3.2. GameChanger
3.2.1. An app that allows coaches to keep track of stats during baseball/softball and basketball games. It also allows you to keep a team roster and schedule your practices
3.3. Coach's Eye
3.3.1. An app that allows coaches to film athletes and provide feedback for immediate improvement and results
3.4. Coach Note
3.4.1. An app that allows coaches to draw up plays and tactics
3.5. iPracticeBuilder
3.5.1. An app that allows you to create practice plans that can be shared with staff and players
3.6. TeamSnap
3.6.1. An app that allows you to communicate with your players and staff as well as schedule practices and games