Teaching Through Online Social Engagement using FlipGrid

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Teaching Through Online Social Engagement using FlipGrid by Mind Map: Teaching Through Online Social Engagement using FlipGrid

1. Activities

1.1. Independent Activities

1.1.1. Reflection-Students could create a video answering reflection questions on a previous project or performance on an assessment.

1.1.2. Biography/Reports- Have students dress up as someone that represents who or what the biography or report video is about.

1.1.3. Show what you know- Students can create a video to demonstrate what they know about the topic being taught.

1.1.4. Exit Pass-Students can create a video for an exit pass at the end of class.

1.2. Small Group Activities

1.2.1. Topic discussion-In small groups, students can respond to book club topics, or other selected topics issued by an instructor.

1.2.2. Collaborate on project ideas - Students can create videos in small groups to collect ideas on projects.

1.2.3. Number Talks- Students can share how to work out math problems or in depth critical thinking problems.

1.3. Whole Class Activites

1.3.1. Debates- Have the class choose sides and create videos debating certain topics.

1.3.2. Reading Response- Have students read or watch a text and respond to the class with certain discussion points.

1.3.3. Plays/Performances- Have students reenact scenes from plays or performances.

2. Teacher Roles

2.1. Facilitator

2.1.1. Teachers plan and facilitate discussions created for student responses.

2.1.2. Teachers monitor student responses for effective online communication and mediate discussions.

2.1.3. Teachers tailor discussion prompts in alignment with learning goals.

2.2. Model

2.2.1. Teachers record videos modeling new activities before students attempt them.

2.2.2. Teachers model appropriate and respectful online communication.

2.2.3. Teachers model how to collaborate effectively with others students.

2.2.4. Teachers model how to create videos

2.3. Evaluator

2.3.1. Teachers use student videos for formative assessments based on a rubric. Teacher look for clarity of ideas Teachers look for deep or superficial understanding of the content. Teachers look for body language.

2.3.2. Teachers give students basic and custom feedback based on video assignments.

2.4. Creates positive classroom environment

2.4.1. Teachers create opportunities for students to get to know one another throughout the year.

2.4.2. Teachers share information about themselves with their students through an introductory video.

2.4.3. Teachers provide a forum for students to ask questions throughout the year.

3. Learning Assessment

3.1. Discussion Prompts

3.1.1. Teachers can add new topic descriptions/questions to a Grid or choose from the Discovery Library.

3.1.2. Teachers control video response options such as length, response reactions, replies, etc.

3.1.3. Students can create a video response to the prompt and reply to other students' responses.

3.2. Creating Videos

3.2.1. Students can use digital stickies to help outline a response and to not forget what they would like to say.

3.2.2. Students can record a response or upload a previously saved file. Students can add emojis, stickers, draw, and further customize their videos.

3.2.3. Students can pause and resume recordings or delete their response and start over as many times as they need. The times counts down how much recording time the students have remaining.

3.2.4. Students can preview their response before submitting.

3.3. Feedback

3.3.1. Basic Teachers can provide basic feedback on a response based on student verbalization and clarity of expressed ideas.

3.3.2. Custom Teachers can build and assign custom feedback rubrics based on the needs and qualifications of your classroom. Teachers can crease assessment rubrics and customize criteria (e.g., performance, ideas) for each topic.

4. Learning Goals

4.1. Development of online social skills

4.1.1. Students learn how to verbalize their learning through video. Craft a unique "voice" through comments and portfolio

4.1.2. Students learn how to respond succinctly, thoughtfully, and with intent to peers through comments. Learn how to interact with the unique "voice" of others

4.2. Increased understanding of responsible social media use

4.2.1. Students practice responsible citations of links shared on FlipGrid. Students learn how to cite video and other electronic sources

4.2.2. Students FlipGrid videos and responses can be shared with parents, encouraging students to be responsible with their interactions. Students learn what is acceptable content and the aspect of permanence with anything posted online

4.3. Understanding of how to collaborate effectively using technology

4.3.1. Students learn the importance of self-motivation and time management when collaborating with peers in a more autonomous setting. Students do not have an ever-present teacher to remind them about due dates and to actively participate. Responsibility Time Management

4.3.2. Students learn how best to communicate through media without the luxury of in-person verbal and visual cues. Alternative forms of communication challenges how we interact Students learn to interact with intent