1. Implement
1.1. Take care of any final planning and deliver course to students.
1.1.1. Train instructors and support staff.
1.1.2. Ensure that everyone is familiar with course content and how to use the LMS
1.1.3. Make course live in LMS
1.1.4. Start course delivery
1.1.5. Assess students based on learning objectives
1.1.6. Provide support to instructors and students as necessary
2. Evaluate
2.1. Determine what areas of the course need improvement in order to prepare for future course development
2.1.1. Get feedback from students
2.1.2. Get feedback from instructors
2.1.3. Determine what worked well in the course
2.1.4. Determine what did not work well in the course
2.1.5. Determine if the course met its goals
2.1.6. Determine what can be done the same next time
2.1.7. Determine what can be done better next time
2.1.8. Note any takeaways from the process that may be helpful in the future
3. Analyse
3.1. Determine the purpose and scope of the course.
3.1.1. Who is the target audience?
3.1.2. What do the students need to learn?
3.1.3. What do the students already know?
3.1.4. How much content should be covered?
3.1.5. What should the level/difficulty of the course be?
3.1.6. How long should the course be?
3.1.7. When does course need to be ready?
4. Design
4.1. Make final decisions regarding content and design and get ready for development.
4.1.1. Finalize learning objectives
4.1.2. Finalize course content
4.1.3. Come up with ideas for course structure, assessment methods, feedback tools, etc.
4.1.4. Storyboard the ideas
4.1.5. Develop prototypes
4.1.6. Test the prototypes
5. Develop
5.1. Create course materials. This should be an iterative process.
5.1.1. Work based on storyboards and prototypes from the Design phase
5.1.2. Ensure that materials are appealing and engaging
5.1.3. Ensure that navigation is user friendly
5.1.4. Ensure that all accessibility standards are met
5.1.5. Double check content for copyright violations
5.1.6. Check spelling, grammar, and mechanics and make sure all content makes sense
5.1.7. Upload content to LMS
5.1.8. Test course thoroughly
5.1.9. Fix any issues discovered during testing
5.1.10. Test again and repeat testing as necessary