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Assessment by Mind Map: Assessment

1. Formative

1.1. Assessment for learning

1.2. Exit ticket

1.3. Kahoot

1.4. Think-Pair-Share

1.5. Venn-diagram

1.6. Traffic lights

2. Peer assessment

3. Self assessment

4. Learning objectives

4.1. Goals

4.1.1. SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Timed)

4.2. Curriculum outcomes

5. Reflection

5.1. What changes should have been made?

5.2. Have the objectives been met?

6. Recording assessment

6.1. Collecting and analysing data

6.1.1. variety of methods, strategies, & tools

7. Summative

7.1. Assessment of learning

7.2. End of unit piece

7.3. Graded work

7.4. Exam

7.5. Clear rubrics

7.6. Exemplar work examples

8. Outcomes

9. Results

9.1. Reporting - communicating

10. Rubrics

11. Skills

11.1. Critical thinking

12. Encourage action!

13. Is it effective?

13.1. Variety of learning styles covered

13.2. Based on real-life experiences

13.3. Criteria given in advance

13.4. Uses both analytical & holistic scoring