1. Effective Project Planning Principles
1.1. Planning is necessary
1.1.1. Planning should be done before a project begins. For effective planning, objectives and schedules should be clear and understandable.
1.2. Risk analysis
1.2.1. Before starting the project, senior management and the project management team should consider the risks that may affect the project.
1.3. Tracking of project plan
1.3.1. Once the project plan is prepared, it should be tracked and modified accordingly.
1.4. Meet quality standards and produce quality deliverables
1.4.1. The project plan should identify processes by which the project management team can ensure quality in software. Based on the process selected for ensuring quality, the time and cost for the project is estimated.
1.5. Description of flexibility to accommodate changes
1.5.1. The result of project planning is recorded in the form of a project plan, which should allow new changes to be accommodated when the project is in progress.
2. Project Purpose
2.1. Meet user requirements
2.1.1. Develop the project according to the user requirements after understanding them.
2.2. Meet schedule deadlines
2.2.1. Complete the project milestones as described in the project plan on time in order to complete the project according to the schedule.
2.3. Be within budget
2.3.1. Manage the overall project cost so that the project is within the allocated budget.
2.4. Produce quality deliverables
2.4.1. Ensure that quality is considered for accuracy and overall performance of the project.
3. Project Scope
3.1. The elements included and excluded in the project
3.2. The processes and entities
3.3. The functions and features required in software according to the user requirements.
4. Tasks of Individuals Involved in Software Projects
4.1. Senior Management
4.1.1. Approves the project, employ personnel, and provides resources required for the project.
4.1.2. Reviews project plan to ensure that it accomplishes the business objectives.
4.1.3. Resolves conflicts among the team members.
4.1.4. Considers risks that may affect the project so that appropriate measures can be taken to avoid them.
4.2. Project Management Team
4.2.1. Reviews the project plan and implements procedures for completing the project.
4.2.2. Manages all project activities.
4.2.3. Prepares budget and resource allocation plans.
4.2.4. Helps in resource distribution, project management, issue resolution, and so on.
4.2.5. Understands project objectives and finds ways to accomplish the objectives.
4.2.6. Devotes appropriate time and effort to achieve the expected results.
4.2.7. Selects methods and tools for the project.
5. Project Planning Involves
5.1. Definition of the roles and responsibilities of the project management team members
5.2. Affirmation that the project management team works according to the business objectives
5.3. Validation of the feasibility of the schedule and user requirements
5.4. Determination of project constraints
6. Definitions
6.1. Definition of Project Planning
6.1.1. Project planning is an organized and integrated management process, which focuses on activities required for successful completion of the project.
6.1.2. Project Planning is the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project activities to meet project requirements.
6.2. Definition of Software Engineering
6.2.1. Software engineering is a managed process. The software development takes place within an organization and is subject to a range of schedule, budget, and organizational constraints.