1. Next Steps
1.1. Review the Launch Plan Template
1.2. Define the work to be performed
1.2.1. Scope
2. Consumer Participation
2.1. We Issue Card to Consumer
2.2. Swipe card to collect rebated points
2.3. Swipe card to use rebated points
3. Launch Plan
3.1. Organize Community Alliance
3.2. Build Infrastructure
3.2.1. integration with loyalty and gets
3.3. Build Base of Businesses
3.4. Build Base of Cardholders
3.5. Reinforce and Develop Program
4. Program Design
4.1. Redemption
4.1.1. Full Redemption On-Line
4.1.2. Partial Redemption at POS For example $10.00 Let merchant optionally assume greater exposure
5. Questions
5.1. Licensing Agreement
5.2. Negative Numbers
5.3. File Format
5.4. E-Pulse
5.5. GETS
6. Core Consumer Transactions
6.1. Purchase and Rebate
6.1.1. Make a purchase
6.1.2. Payment with any instrument
6.1.3. Rebate is earned points are added to their account within 24hours
6.2. Redemption
6.2.1. Make a purchase
6.2.2. Payment with points
6.2.3. Points are redeemed reduced from their account within 24 hours communication flow from Nietech to GETS
6.3. Reconciliation
7. Participants
7.1. Annette
7.1.1. Current Innovations
7.2. Jon
7.2.1. Interra
7.3. Larry
7.3.1. Nietech
7.4. Richard
7.4.1. GETS richard@tbex.com
7.5. Sue Pearn
7.6. Greg Steltenpohl
8. Merchant Participation
8.1. Business to Business
8.1.1. Participate in the program Use GETS
8.1.2. Trade with other businesses
8.1.3. Create and maintain balances of credits
8.1.4. Convert credits to points that can be rebated to consumers and other individuals
8.2. Business to Consumers
8.2.1. Give points as rebates to consumers
8.2.2. Acceptance points as payment from consumers
8.2.3. Can convert points back to credits
9. Terminology
9.1. credits
9.1.1. from business to