The process that can stimulate the emergence of sustainable local responses

A process to stimulate sustainable local responses

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The process that can stimulate the emergence of sustainable local responses by Mind Map: The process that can stimulate the emergence of sustainable local responses


1.1. Take the Time

1.2. to Learn

1.3. Appreciate and Adapt

1.4. To Sustain your engagement

2. Step 1 - Who am I and I'm part of this group of people now ?

2.1. Objectives: Stimulate the expression of individual purpose, talents and aspirations - Stimulate individual ownership to create individual leadership

3. Step 2 - Where do we want to be?

3.1. Individual dream

3.1.1. Where am'I in this dream? What be could my role/responsability?

3.2. Collective dream

4. Step 3 : Who are we? What structure will support the dream?

4.1. What values do we want to carry ?

4.2. What are the practices that support the dream?

5. Step 4: Where are we now?

5.1. What is there?

5.2. What is lacking?

5.3. What are our priorities?

6. Step 5: How do we go there?

7. Step 6: Let's do it?

8. Step 7: Where are we now?

9. Step 8: What have we learned? What do we want to share?